Friday, March 24, 2017

Saturated Special Ed markets and work from home ideas

A couple of weeks ago, I landed on a "diamond" of a Speech Pathologist. She is bilingual, has her ASHA certification and a good bit of experience working in schools! I swoon over a resume with those qualifications! The down side to this multi-layered SLP is that she had just moved to Austin, TX. Now Austin, as most people can imagine, is a wonderful city with a vibrant night life, a clean downtown area and a multitude of offerings for both those seeking cultural activities and those who prefer outdoor adventures. There are also more than a few universities within 100 miles of Austin that offer master's programs for Speech Language Pathology. Because of Austin's popularity and the influx of SLP's into the city, there are seldom openings for SLP's through a contract service such as mine. School districts seldom need help finding qualified candidates, as they have them knocking down their front doors.

So....the next layer to this highly qualified "gem of an SLP" who landed in my inbox is that she is licensed to work in three other states besides TX-she is a perfect candidate to deliver services remotely through our tele-services department, VocoVision. We just happened to have a school district in Connecticut that needed an SLP to help them finish out their school year, and CT is one of the states where she holds a current license. So, just after a week of screening and instruction with our VocoVision team, she was ready to go and started work from her home office today!

If you live in one of those markets that has an overload of therapists and few open opportunities (Austin, Nashville, Miami, Birmingham, Boston, etc.), you might consider obtaining a license in a state where we're seeing a need for tele-therapy. A few of the states we are seeing are CA, IL, NM, and WA state. We will walk you through the processes and do our best to get you set up.

Think about a commute that consists of walking from your kitchen to your den, being there when your children arrive home from school, having a write-off on next year's taxes for a home office and...did I mention no commute??? (I live in Atlanta, there's NEVER not a traffic jam on my commute.)

Send me a note, or give me a call, (770) 325-0234 if you'd like additional information on what it takes to get on the band wagon for tele-services!