Saturday, January 14, 2017

License, fingerprint and certification, oh my!

Does it seem like getting ready to take a job as a healthcare professional is more and more complicated every week? We in the recruiting industry certainly see it! I'm not sure why all 50 states seem to have their very own requirements in order to practice in their particular the children/patients that one sees change when a state line is crossed? Does your fingerprint change once you've crossed a state line? Does a politician knee-jerk react each time a lawsuit is filed?

Now, I'm not one that loves federal mandates, but it seems that at the very least, neighboring states could enact a bit of reciprocity, but then that particular state couldn't collect your money! Does this all boil down to politics and revenue? I'm beginning to think so! And, this post is merely to "put this out there". Where does one begin to make some changes in this regard? With state governments? With national boards such as ASHA or AOTA? I'm certainly not trying to reduce the protections we have in the medical community, but it seems to me that they could be streamlined and still be effective.

I'd love some feedback, as I am a mere recruiter and I might be totally ignorant of the logic behind the varying requirements on a state-by-state basis. Life keeps getting more and more complicated, and I'm working this year to simplify MY life; might this be a topic with some worth or am I totally off the mark?