Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sick day blog post...ugh...

Well, I've been trying to make it through the week with a nasty something-or-other that has elements of the flu (body aches, chills, bad cough), but don't think it was the flu. I am still sporting a nasty cough that hijacks too many conversations for me to try to do my usual phone calls. So, I'm home and thought I'd communicate a bit via my blog. If you think one of these might be of interest, you can call me 770-325-0234 or, better for today, email me at

I still can't believe we have over 10 pages of therapy and Special Ed jobs still open around the country! I'm going to list a few of them under some made-up-by-me categories:


Anchorage, AK Peds clinic seeking OT or COTA and PT or PTA

Sierra Vista, AZ School district needing PT and Psychology candidates

San Luis Obispo, CA School district seeking an SLP for the rest of the school year

San Francisco, CA School Psychologist needed for a 4 day per week spot

Naples, FL Full time hours for an SLP/ccc for the rest of the school year

New Orleans, LA Full time school Psychologist


Manhattan, KS early childhood center needs a full time SLP/ccc

Oakley, CA full time school Psychologist; great pay!

Jasper, GA north GA mountain area needs a full time OT

Lincolnton, NC school district needs a Braillest for a full time position

3. Kinda Famous Towns:

Los Angeles, CA (needs no explanation) has 4 openings for school-based SLP's

Asheville, NC (home of the famous Biltmore) needs a Sign Language Interpreter

Covington, GA (home of the Vampire Diaries' studio) needs a TVI/OMS for this school year and next