Most of the work that comes through my office has been for contract therapists, Occupational, Physical and Speech. We've discovered over the past few years that there are so many other facets to a Special Ed Department that we are creating an entire new division to seek out those types of positions and place those professionals as contractors.
We have been dipping into this aspect of staffing for quite some time. We have placed sign language interpreters, educational diagnosticians, school psychologists, deaf educators, ABA specialists and VI & OM professionals and all kinds of other "acronym'ed" specialties all across the country. It seems that there are so many different experts in these arenas that we have put together a team to study and research the different degrees, certifications and state licensures required, and to start calling into the Special Services departments of schools to ask about what vacancies they may have for the upcoming school year.
If you are a special services professional or if you know someone who may be looking for work or looking to make a change, please pass along my number. Perhaps I can assist in their search for employment and learn a new aspect of special education. The number to my desk is 866-874-7390.