Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hurricane Sandy and possible help

As I've watched the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy in the northeast, I wonder what someone way down here in Georgia can do to help.  I'm safe, warm, with power, an intact home, a car, water and easy access to gasoline.  Of course, contributing to the Red Cross and other relief organizations is always a way to help, but thinking about how my company operates may offer a temporary solution to a few folks up there who are able to leave for a short time while everything is still in a state of demolition.  Of course, most with families need to remain with their loved ones through the next few weeks, months (or whatever it may take),  but there may be some who are able to travel to another location to work, get a paycheck and have housing provided while the clean up and rebuilding begins. 

If you know anyone who might be a healthcare professional - therapist, nurse, doctor, psychologist, etc - they might consider taking a "travel-type" job while they are getting their lives back together or are possibly even homeless.

We may be able to find them a short term job (13-20 weeks) in a location not too far from their home state and provide housing (or tax-free monies to find something themselves) while they are trying to get their lives and the lives of their family back in order.  I haven't heard yet about state boards expediting the licensure process (like some did during the Katrina disaster), but we could certainly petition for such!

There are always jobs nationwide for nurses, and the schools are still crying for therapists, psychologists, teachers of the visually impaired, and deaf educators to help them for the 2012-2013 school year.

Contact me at 866-874-7390 if you might be interested or if you know anyone who might be qualified that maybe we could help!

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